• Sat - Thu .830 - 16.30 -24 hour Service-
  • Ar-Ramtha, Jordan
  • 00962795782926


Since its establishment, Al-Wali Company has sought to provide all services related to transportation and bus rental, as Al-Wali transports large numbers of employees of international and local organizations, in addition to transporting employees working in the public and private sectors, and transporting school students to and from their places of residence.

The governor rents tourist buses for internal and external tourism trips and Hajj and Umrah trips, in addition to providing private transportation service upon request.

Al-Wali provides a comprehensive maintenance center that provides maintenance services for buses and coaches owned by the company.

الوالـــي لتأجــير الحافلات الناقل الرسمي لتلفريك عجلون من محافظات الشمال وبالتعاون مع الاردنية للمناطق الحرة والتنموية .
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