• Sat - Thu .830 - 16.30 -24 hour Service-
  • Ar-Ramtha, Jordan
  • 00962795782926


Our services
We offer a wide range of services and benefits to ensure that various customer needs are met. Here are some advantages that make us the perfect choice:

Easy and convenient reservations: You can book buses through social media easily and without any hassle.

Flexibility to modify: You can modify your reservation easily and flexibly according to your current circumstances.

Dedicated Customer Service: Our customer service team is available around the clock to answer your inquiries and meet your needs.

How do you make a reservation?

Call reservation numbers: 0791271888 - 0791272888

Or via email info@alwalico.com

Or send the word (reservation) to the WhatsApp number 026725888, and a link will be sent to you, and you must fill in the required reservation information, after which the reservation will be confirmed by text message.

How do you make payment?

1) Zain Cash wallet on 0796222564

2) Account for any of your invoices - Trade and Services - Al-Wali Bus Rental Company

3) Meps electronic payment machines for payment during the trip

4) Click on the number 0795782926

5) Payment in cash

We look forward to serving you and meeting your travel needs!

Thank you for choosing our company.

Bus reservations team

الوالـــي لتأجــير الحافلات الناقل الرسمي لتلفريك عجلون من محافظات الشمال وبالتعاون مع الاردنية للمناطق الحرة والتنموية .
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